It's an all too often thing that we see happen around here. You've got the latest and greatest controller. You've got full midi mapping, ridiculous features built right into the controller, it almost seems like it can't get any better. And just when you think you've got it made, the next best thing comes out. It can completely kill someone to see that as they get their hands on a new DJ controller, that something sneaks up on them by surprise.
Don't Wait For Controllers to Get Cheaper
We've seen people "wait it out" for the price to drop on their controller. The problem is that if you wait for a price drop, you'll also be waiting for a support drop. While tech support will still be available from manufacturers, things like firmware updates will be a thing of the past. That controller has most likely dropped in price for a reason. Always investigate the reasoning behind a price drop before buying for that reason.
Don't Wait For NAMM Announcements
If you're in a hurry to get an upgrade to your DJ controller, you may wait until the end of January and see what's hot. The problem is that once you see what's hot at NAMM and make your decision, you're most likely waiting another 3-6 months before that top notch DJ controller comes out.
Go With What Your Instincts Tell You
You've more than likely gone ahead and checked out all the specs on a controller that you've got your eye on. You've got the research down and could probably conduct a seminar on it...all you need to do is get it. Speculating that something better is about to come out is a loss of time for you to get moving with you DJ career.
DJ Controllers and Computer DJ Gear are like computers and cell phones, there will always be something better coming out. Get what's hot now, and it will give you plenty of years of happiness.