Wednesday, January 23, 2013

NAMM 2013: OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Numark's Orbit Is Out of this World

Time to hold the power of DJ'ing in the palm of your hands. Numark has announced the Orbit Wireless Handheld MIDI DJ controller, complete with a 2.4 Ghz wireless control device that's going to allow you to control nearly any DJ software at the push of a button. The single jog wheel allows you to control the music depending on the channel you need.

Enhancing your "remote control" is the 16 backlit pads that will give you a little more flexibility with cue points and sampling where necessary.

The lithium-ion battery that's included should give you at least 8 hours of power before you need to re-charge, but that has yet to be confirmed by Numark.

Relatively speaking, this is a simple controller that's going to prove useful to mobile DJ's. We're thinking price could be as low as $99. Rumor has it is that it's super fun to play on, so while it's not an advanced controller, there's some playtime to be had. We'll definitely be shooting some footage at NAMM 2013.

1 comment:

  1. future dj'ing geting better and better... and i love it ....
