Saturday, January 24, 2015

Why Electro-Voice's EKX System is Super Important for Wedding / Ballroom DJ's

On our Thursday entrance in to the NAMM show, one of the first booths we bolted for was Electro-Voice. For the last four years, EV has released one great family of speakers after another. They're the only guys in town with a demo room that allows us a real opportunity to see what their speakers can do.

We're constantly impressed with EV and the EKX family of speakers is certainly no exception. Our video of the series was up as soon as we got back to the hotel room.

As someone that's trying to get information out as fast as possible, and the less than optimal internet/cell services on the floor (ok, we'll say it...the Anaheim Convention Center has garbage for cell phone service), It's easy to falter in convey certain things. 

Our closer look at the EKX awoke us to Cardiod Technology within the EKX subs. This feature essentially pushes all power of the sub forward, rather than all around the sub. Get yourself in front of one of the EKX subs ASAP to hear it...and here's why. 

As you circle the sub, the front sounds like it should. A dark, beautiful low end rumbles the floor and gets your ear drums intrigued. Circle to the back, and the sound drops by 35db. In case you're wondering, 35db is A LOT. 

This poses huge potential for wedding DJ's. If you've ever been in a venue with multiple rooms, you've more than likely encountered the venue manager or another DJ asking you to turn your subs down. With these, your sub audio only goes where you point the sub. This isn't just awesome technology. This is a freaking contract saver. We've heard countless nightmare stories of guys with their subs rumbling entire rooms and losing contracts or getting complaints. Sit back, relax...and check these bad boys out. 

Electro-Voice hears you. You need to hear Electro-Voice.

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