Friday, July 17, 2015

Pioneer Meets Us Half Way With The XDJ-1000

I can almost assure you that every DJ today who doesn't already own a pair of CDJ-2000 Nexus', wish they would. Yes, that includes some of you turntablists, such as I. Admit it, who wouldn't deny the CDJ-2000 Nexus; with its sleek, robust, and futuristic appearance? Well I'll tell you who actually. Someone who simply can't afford a $1997 CDJ! Hmm... I wonder why It's called the CDJ-2000 Nexus?

But I'm not typing this to just whine about Its price. I'm typing this article to inform you that Pioneer has heard our cry, and has met us half way with the very similar CDJ to the 2000, the XDJ-1000! Priced at $997, you get just about every feature the 2000 Nexus offers, and more!

Due to Its large 7 inch display, you can now activate several commands that were only activated with physical buttons. PLUS, the XDJ-1000 has a touch keyboard that can be used for quick, and easy accessibility to your library! 

Now why is the XDJ-1000 considerably cheaper than the 2000 Nexus you ask? Well, the XDJ can NOT play CD's! (Hence the name XDJ, not CDJ). But if you think about it, who uses CD's nowadays when you can have all your music stored digitally into a flash drive--which can be managed with Rekordbox  (Included), and stored on your Laptop for Serato, and Traktor use (Fully MIDI compatible). But wait, there's more! Browse your library using rekordbox-ready music from PCs, laptops and smartphones using a Wi-Fi connection! Just simply connect a device running rekordbox or the rekordbox app (iOS/Android) to the XDJ-1000 and then browse and load tracks from the device's screen. USB devices will even be charged during your performance! 

If the XDJ-1000 hasn't won you over yet... Then I don't know what will. Purchase yours today, at Planet DJ!

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